  • b.square is the meeting management platform that simplifies the organization of one-to-one meetings events and allows organizers to skip the daily manual work and focus on participant satisfaction.



    The Torino Film Lab Meeting Event is the annual showcase of the projects, talents and films developed at TorinoFilmLab, featuring a global co-production forum for independent original or adapted feature films, and a presentation of the professionals trained within the scheme. 

    The best projects will be awarded by an international jury during TFL Production Awards.

    The one-to-one meeting platform b.square will help the management of face-to-face meetings of this onsite form of the TFL meeting event.

    b.square is
    b.square is a Risolviamo tool

    risolviamo s.r.l. company register of Turin
    number TO-1010887 paid-in capital € 10.000,00

    corso trieste, 23 - turin - italy
    corso duca degli abruzzi, 34 bis - turin - italy
    via copernico, 38 - milan - italy

    phone +39 011 5625601
    fax +39 011 19790869